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I am a PhD candidate in economics at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. I work on issues in applied econometrics, replication, and methodology.

Equivalence testing is a major focus of my current research. I document empirical evidence that null claims made in the absence of equivalence testing exhibit high error rates in top economics journals. To facilitate adoption, I offer practical guidelines and develop software commands for implementing equivalence testing. I also introduce equivalence testing improvements to standard methodologies (for instance, see my paper on manipulation testing for regression discontinuity), and introduce equivalence testing to different disciplines through empirical applications (for example, see my article in Journal of Business Ethics).

I additionally do considerable work in replication and reproducibility. I have forthcoming replication work in PNAS, along with several substantative comments under development and under invited submission concerning publications in Quarterly Journal of Economics and Nature Human Behaviour.

I am positioned in the Behavioral Social Sciences group within the Department of Ethics, Governance, and Society in the School of Business and Economics. I also hold a teaching affiliation at the Department of Criminology in the Faculty of Law. My PhD dissertation, “Why Do Firms Comply?”, focuses on behavioral determinants of corporate compliance with public policies.